Inclusion of up to 15% (95 lm RHA) and 20% (5 lm RHA) RHA improved the compressive strength of concrete . RHA concrete exhibited excellent improvement (30.8%) in compressive strength with 10% replacement, and up to 20% of cement could be valuably replaced with RHA without adversely affecting the compressive strength . Saraswathy and Song observed that with increase in RHA content (0–30%), chloride penetration decreased. Similar results were also observed between 90 and 100 d; where maximum reduction of 81.4% in charge passed was exhibited by specimens having 0–10% RHA . Concretes made with 10% RHA exhibited about 72% reduction in 28-d chloride permeability
. Chloride-ion permeability of RHA blended concrete decreased with increase in RHA content up to 30%]. Water absorption of concrete decreased with increase in RHA content . At 90 d, binary concrete containing 10% RHA content had lower water absorption than the control concrete . Several other studies
also reported that RHA enhanced the strength and durability properties of concrete .