In what sector do you work?
Which of the following characterizes you as a user of remotely sensed data from USGS?
(Please check all that apply.)
Data provider (provide data for someone else to use)
Product developer (create products derived from Landsat imagery, such as land cover maps)
Technical user (work on technical issues specifically related to the imagery, like calibration and validation)
End user (apply data or products derived from the data to accomplish my work, including scientific research and education)
Manager (supervise technical and/or end users; also may make decisions based on work which uses the data)
Other (please specify):
Does your work use remotely sensed data from the USGS?
What is the primary application for which you have used remotely sensed data from USGS in the past year?
In addition to the primary application, in what other areas have you used remotely sensed data from USGS in the past year?
(Please check all that apply)
I have not used it in other areas
Agriculture forecasting Agricultural management/production/conservation
Alternative energy exploration/development Assessments and taxation
Biodiversity conservation Climate science/change
Coastal science/monitoring/management Cryospheric science
Cultural resource management/anthropology/archaeology Defense/national security
Ecological/ecosystem science/monitoring Education: K-12
Education: university/college Emergency/disaster management
Energy/metals/minerals exploration/extraction/development Engineering/construction/surveying
Environmental regulation Fish and wildlife science/management
Fire science/management Forest science/management
Geology Hazard insurance
Humanitarian aid Law enforcement
Land use/land cover change Public health
Range/grassland science/management Real estate/property management
Recreation science/management Rural planning and development
Software development Telecommunications
Technical training Transportation
Urban planning and development Urbanization
Utilities Water resources
Other Application
Over the next year, approximately how much of the remotely sensed data you acquire from USGS will you distribute to others to use as opposed to using it yourself?
Over the next year, how important will free and open access to remotely sensed data from USGS be to conducting your work?