was more than double the RCT value of the untreated sample.
The RCT decreased to the level of the untreated samples during
10–15 min, but the RCT of 20 min had slightly increased and much
closer to that of cow milk. Corresponding to the RCT, the variations
of curd firming rate (CFR) were opposite such that when the RCT
reached its maximum, the CFR dropped to its minimum. The G0
and final storage modulus values both increased after US pretreat-
ment. The highest G0
max was reached in the range of 5–15 min,
which was over 100 Pa and even higher than that of cow milk.
The final storage modulus was the value of coagulation after
40 min, and the value of 5 min US pretreated sample was similar
to that of un-pretreated cow milk. In order to reach a fair
judgment, taking into account the RCT, G0
max and final storage
modulus, 10 min of US treatment could be proper for good rennet
coagulation properties.
whichwas more than double the RCT value of the untreated sample.The RCT decreased to the level of the untreated samples during10–15 min, but the RCT of 20 min had slightly increased and muchcloser to that of cow milk. Corresponding to the RCT, the variationsof curd firming rate (CFR) were opposite such that when the RCTreached its maximum, the CFR dropped to its minimum. The G0maxand final storage modulus values both increased after US pretreat-ment. The highest G0max was reached in the range of 5–15 min,which was over 100 Pa and even higher than that of cow milk.The final storage modulus was the value of coagulation after40 min, and the value of 5 min US pretreated sample was similarto that of un-pretreated cow milk. In order to reach a fairjudgment, taking into account the RCT, G0max and final storagemodulus, 10 min of US treatment could be proper for good rennetcoagulation properties.
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