allows users to have feedback as a guide to be able to build the
software correctly. However, it lacks tiered language features.
Raptor has flowchart diagrams as a way to teach objectoriented
[26]. Class-diagrams were more preferred according
to our survey.
As it can be seen, each of the existing software tools lack
one or some particular features which are essential for a
novice to learn object-oriented programming at his own pace.
The following table shows us a comparison of the nine
existing software tools having previously discussed in section
2. All the tools in the table below allow users to visualize their
features either statically or dynamically. Out of the nine tools,
three of them (Alice, Jeeroo and Scratch) are of narrative
type. Out of the six remaining tools, two of them use classdiagram
to teach object-oriented , one uses uml diagrams and
one uses flowchart diagram. Jhave is a specialized output
realization tool where users are able to received feedback and
guidelines while using the tool to learn OOP. Baltie is a tiered
language tool where the user is able to work with different
graphical user interface according to his proficiency level.
Jeeroo allows users to learn OOP in different programming
languages(Java, c ++ and so on).
Tools consisting of a blank cell do not contain that particular
feature(characteristic) which is in row 1 of the blank cell
column. For example, Alice does not contain flow-model,
specialized output realization, tiered language, multi-language
features and it does not have a simple user interface. The
designing aim of each of these software are different from
each other. Hence, each of them has different focussing areas.
For example, Alice main focus was to allow users to learn
games. Whereas, blueJ main focus was to allow users to use a
simple user interface.