Hello dear Kae!
Thank you so much fro to reply my dear.
Like you me too don't like lies. Anyway... We are not child's and... I see no reasons for we lie to each other my dear
I don't really feel that i need to lie to you as well hope you don't do it. WE DON'T NEED TO LIE TO EACH OTHER!!!
I feel good for you don't think that I am a scammer...
I will be happy if you decide to let me to know you better. So... I will wait for the mail and the pics
YES!!! You think exactly like me. All we have to give to each other is to love...
For it must first of all to respect and to be honest to each other
After it maybe we can really love, to marry and to share each other life... to get older together...
Have please a too very pleasant Monday night my dear