help to lengthen rotation age, however, a downside of this could be
the additional financial hardship on low-income Vietnamese foresters
(see Nghiem (2013) for further discussion with regard to forest policy
tools for promoting biodiversity in planted forests in Vietnam). These
results have implications for implementing the REDD+ mechanism
in Vietnam and in other developing countries that have similar tree
species, such as Thailand, and Indonesia (Su-See, 1999), Costa Rica
(Miranda et al., 2003), and Uruguay (Vihervaara et al., 2012).
help to lengthen rotation age, however, a downside of this could bethe additional financial hardship on low-income Vietnamese foresters(see Nghiem (2013) for further discussion with regard to forest policytools for promoting biodiversity in planted forests in Vietnam). Theseresults have implications for implementing the REDD+ mechanismin Vietnam and in other developing countries that have similar treespecies, such as Thailand, and Indonesia (Su-See, 1999), Costa Rica(Miranda et al., 2003), and Uruguay (Vihervaara et al., 2012).
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