It was horrible! "these tofu hot dogs are delicious!" said Little Miss Perfect while we were eating lunch in the vomitorium. " I feel so much healthier since Ms. Leakey arrived." " Me too," said Emily, who always agrees with everything Andrea say. " I wish I had a candy bar," said Michael. " I heard Ms. Leakey is trying to pass a law that will make it illegal to be caught with sugar packets," said Ryan. " I heard she hijacked a truck full of Doritos so it couldn't come into town," I said. " Health teachers can't do that," said Neil the nude kid. "People should be allowed to make up their own minds about what to eat."
"Y'know, maybe Ms. Leakey isn't a health teacher at all," I said. " Did you ever think of that?" " what do you mean?" asked Ryan " Maybe Ms. Leakey murdered our real health teacher," I told them. " Arlo, stop trying to scare Emily," said Andrea. " I'm scared!" said Emily "Ms. leakey is probably the evil twin of our real health teacher," i said. " She killed her sister, and I bet she buried her in the faem she's got in her office. Stuff like that happens all the time, you know." "We've got to do something!" shouted Emily. And then she went running out of the vomitorium. Sheesh, get a grip! that girl will fall for anything. " I need candy," said Michael. " I would play a million dollars for a KitKat right now," I said. " I would sell my little brother for just one gummi bear," said Neil. We were all candy deprived and depressed. But that's when I got the greatest idea in the history of the world.