3.3. Difference or discrimination testing
3.3.1. Triangle testing The sensory evaluation conducted using the discrimination testing was aimed at establishing whether the tasters found a vast difference between the untreated juice and ultrasound treated juice samples. Different sets, each containing three samples were provided to the panel members and they were asked to indicate the odd sample. One such set contained one fresh juice sample along with two thermally treated samples which were all coded
to prevent its identification. 80% of the panelists indicated fresh juice as the odd sample which clearly shows the significant difference of sensory attributes between fresh and thermally processed juice. Similar experiments were conducted separately for ultrasound alone and ultrasound + UV treatments. The obtained results for comparison of juices treated using ultrasound based approaches and thermal processing have been given in Fig. 5. Comparison with thermally treated samples indicated that majority of the panelists (70% and 60% for the case of ultrasound and ultrasound along with UV sample, respectively) confirmed that the juices treated with ultrasound are different from thermally treated samples. Moreover, the differences were easily identifiable because of better sensory attributes and majority of the panelists
pointed that the odd sample was more acceptable than