Over the part 20 years scientist have been using technology on nature to improve food supplies. They are producing genetically modified (GM) food by modifying, or changing, the genes of plants and animals. Genes are the codes in the cells of every living thing that determine the way they look and grow. In humans, genes determine characteristics such as the color of our eyes and how tall we are. By changing the genes of plants, scientists can cause crops to produce more, become resistant to pests and disease, and have more nutritional value. Genetically modified plants can have great benefits by increasing food supplies, protecting the environment, and even improving nutrition.
How will we feed a growing population? The world's populatiom is expected to exceed 8 billion by 2015. Much of this increase wii occur in the cities of developing countries. Unfortunately, food production, instad of increasing, has decrased over the last ten years. As it is, some 40,000 people die from hunger-related cause every day. The only way to inctrease food production seems to be through technology, since land and water are getting scarce. In Africa, millions of people don't have enough food to eat and are dying because drough has destroyed their food supply. If GM food crops could be developed that could resist droughts or grow in poor, dry, or salty soils, this would help poorer countries.