In sum, previous research indicates that the influence of face inversion on gaze processing, and the influence of the direction of gaze on the perception of facial expression, are atypical in children with ASD. Previous studies have not examined the influences of face inversion or facial expression on sensitivity to eye contact in adults with ASD, and have not provided precise estimates of the width of the cone of gaze in this population. That was the purpose of the current study. Specifically, we examined the influences of face inversion and facial expression on sensitivity to eye contact in high-functioning adults with ASD. In addition, we measured for the first time the precise width of the cone of gaze in this population. Participants with and without ASD viewed photographs of angry, fearful, and neutral faces. Gaze was either direct or averted, varying in a series of small steps to the left and right. In separate blocks of trials, participants viewed each face in an upright and inverted orientation. For each face, participants pressed one of three buttons to indicate whether the model’s gaze was direct or averted to the left or right. For each participant, we estimated the width of the cone of gaze for each expression and orientation. The results of this investigation provide the first information on whether individuals with ASD combine information from expression and gaze cues when making judgments of eye contact. The results also provide the first information on whether the atypical interactions between perceptions of expression and gaze and the atypical effect of inversion on gaze processing observed in children with ASD persist into adulthood, or whether these aspects of sensitivity normalize by adulthood, an outcome that could reflect a developmental delay.