Why Men and Women are different? Ask yourself…. Even there are many reasons but I am sure you know which reasons it is.
In my opinion, ‘Love’ is one of those reasons which tell us why Men and Women are different. Love is a wonderful thing. When you find the love, it will make you feel like life is immortal. And think love will last forever. We always think that maybe we found no problems like our parents. We do not accept that fact. Love died away too and hope to have a happy life forever.
Love is big problem right? Because when you love someone, you always want them to love you back and don’t want to lose them too. But when they do not love you back, it’s going to be a problem for you.
But when the magic disappear and the real world appears. The result is the men still think women think and act like a man. And women think men can feel and act like a woman. Without ever thought the difference of both sides, never taking the time to understand and accept the differences of each single bit. We become the people who call the offensive like judging others and have no patience.
When the best part of love began to fade, problems began to replace the higher conflict talk less and to keep the feeling of paranoia in now loving energy is lost. Only questions that hold in mind. How did it happen? Why it happened? Why did it happen to us?
In the day, millions of people, searching for love because they want to meet this magic. In each year there are a lovable million couple begin with marriage and ended painfully with detaching. Because they don't love each other anymore. For keeping the love till the day of the wedding, there are only 50 percent still married. And among married, there are 50 percent are not fulfilled. They live together with loyalty and binding or fear of being alone.
Only a few can develop love to grow further. But that does not mean you can’t do just a man and a woman is able to respect and accept the differences for each other. Their love has a chance to bloom and beautiful.
If we understand the difference between men and women, we can learn to love and encouragement to those we love the most. So love is a wonderful thing and live forever. Let's just understand the differences. And love in right ways.