TIDCO has adopted the government’s vision to achieve developed nation status by 2020. A Vision 2020 Tourism Sub-Committee has been created. Led by the Ministry of Planning and Development and chaired by TIDCO’s President. It includes a wide cross-section of tourism industry stakeholders responsible for developing a strategic plan that provides the following:
-A situation and needs analysis.
-A vision for the sector.
-Overall policy objectives that provide quantifiable targets for achievement within the periods 2004-2006 and 2007-2009.
-The strategies that should be pursued for 2004-2006 and 2007-2009 in order to achieve the stated objectives.
-The indicators/performance milestones, related to the overall policy objectives, at the end of every three-year period commencing in 2005.
-A detailed Action Plan that contains a prioritized matrix of activities for the public and private sectors and communities, an intervention timetable and estimates of implementation cost for the first three years.
-The most critical activities that should be undertaken as well as those activities that can be implemented easily.
-The policy, legislative and institutional arrangements for the efficient implementation of the strategies and Action Plan and review of the achievement of milestones and targets.