Due Date: Oral presentation due Week 13, Written report due Week 6 and to be announced in class.
Written report: 4,500 words
Description: In teams of not more than eight (any changes must be approved by lecturers) You will select one of your team member’s New Venture Profiles and develop a strategy for the new venture to position and capitalise on its growth expectations over the next twelve months. Working with the new venture’s entrepreneur(s), your team will identify the strengths and weaknesses of the entrepreneur(s) and recommend a human capital or relationship development strategy to meet the firm’s growth expectations. Your team will define the resource strengths and weaknesses of the new venture and also recommend a resource development strategy to meet the five-year growth objectives. Finally, you will outline a twelve months plan noting key objectives and critical milestones for the new venture to achieve its longer term growth expectations. All of your findings and recommendations should be justified from theory. Please remember that a copy in full or partial of previous papers will not be graded.