We envision that oncologists with an interest in symptom management and psychosocial aspects of care may choose to specialize in the rapidly growing field of palliative oncology. Jackson et al10,11 conducted a qualitative study of oncologists about their approaches to end-of-life care and identified two phenotypes: type I oncologists, who incorporated both the biomedical and psychosocial aspects of care in their work, and type II oncologists, who focused on biomedical issues. Type I oncologists were more prepared to discuss end-of-life issues and find satisfaction in providing end-of-life care and were less likely to burn out. Among type I oncologists, those who are particularly palliphilic, as one might say, may choose to dedicate their careers to improving the quality of life of patients and their families through excellence in patient care, education, and research in palliative oncology. In this article, we will discuss the training pathways, career opportunities, challenges, and opportunities for palliative oncologists. All authors are dually certified palliative oncologists.