thanks i received your message. i am at work now but lunch time here. i am after the lunch and having a short break and thought of writing to you. so we need to hand over a stock to an export company on Friday. So we all busy since that. after that free again.
weather here is not bad. We get enough sunshine in the morning. But after 4-5 mist arrive often sometimes can not see one another in night often cold.
We live in the central part of the country and it is called as hill country. rural and less facilities. less population too. everywhere tea estates and mountains. This is the ideal climate for the tea plant. You can not grow it in other areas. Other parts of the contry having dry and hot climate often but get monsoon rains. Anyway we do not have facilities as our towns good roads ect. Other parts having highways and all that
So Tell me something about you more thanks/ saved your pics so nice need to see one with a short skirt