Nicknames like "brace face" and "metal mouth" might bring back horrifying memories for some orthodontic survivors. It used to be bad news to find out braces were necessary.
Being a kid might be harder in today's world, but some things have gotten easier ...
Companies have figured out that some people don't want others to see their braces. So they created a bracket that adheres to the back of the tooth.
For some kids, braces have even become a fashion statement. There are different colored rubberbands that you can interchange with your outfit, your mood, spirit day at school, or the holiday. That isn't so cool for boys - but hold on...! There are even different shapes of braces that can be purchased to match your favorite sport!
How to tell if your child needs braces
It isn't always what you see that determines the need. It takes a trained eye and complete set of x-rays to see if your child's teeth and jaw are aligned correctly.
Children should see an orthdontist by the time they are seven years old to get an initial assessment. Jaw growth and tooth alignment can be prevented or even fixed at that stage so that future treatment might not be needed.
What are some reasons to bring your child to see an orthodontist?
Finger sucking is a big red flag. Although it is one seemingly insurmountable task, helping your child break that habit is really important. The positioning of the fingers moves the teeth around and acts as a mold for the teeth to grow around. The position of the teeth can alter speech, make it harder to chew food correctly, can affect correct breathing patterns, and might even change the shape of someone's face.
Perhaps the jaw juts out too far or not enough. This is something that can be fixed. Some other things parents can look for are jaws that make sounds, losing baby teeth too early or too late, or simply noticing that the teeth aren't lining up correctly.
What if my child still resists the idea of braces?
Children need to know, most importantly, that it's not the braces that make a person who they are. It is only for a season, and one that can be actually used to accentuate your personality not detract from it. Characters like Betty Suarez on ABC's hit show, Ugly Betty have helped drive this point home. It is your bright ideas and your winning personality that will shine brighter than your braces ever could.