1. Use lined paper.
2. Write your name, the date, and the course number in the upper right-hand corner of the paper.
3. Write a title in the center at the top of the paper.
4. Leave a one-inch margin on both sides of the page.
5. Indent the first of every paragraph.
6. Write on every other line of the paper.
Capitalize the first word in each sentence.
✓ The first word of every sentence ➞ Yes,we do carry the matching bed skirt.
✓ The first word of a quoted sentence (not just a quoted phrase) ➞ And with great flourish, hesang,“O beautiful for gracious skies, for amber waves of grain!”
✓ The specific name of a person (and his or her title), a place, or a thing (otherwise known as proper nouns). Proper nouns include specific locations and geographic regions; political, social, and athletic organizations and agencies; historical events; documents and periodicals; nationalities and their language; religions, their members and their deities; brand or trade names; and holidays.
✓ The abbreviation for proper nouns. Government agencies are probably the most frequently abbreviated. Remember to capitalize each letter. ➞ The CIA makes me feel very secure.
✓ Adjectives (descriptive words) derived from proper nouns. Ex: America (proper noun) ➞ the American (adjective) flag
✓ The pronoun I.
✓ The most important words in a title ➞ Last March, I endured a twenty-hour public reading of A Tale of Two Cities.