The meteorological model used in the present study is WRF,
version 3.5.1 [50]. Two one-way nested modeling domains were
specified (Fig. 1a) with horizontal grid spacing of 30 km (DO1, mesh
size of 133 75) and 10 km (DO2, mesh size of 112 100), of which
the innermost domain focuses on the study area. In the vertical,
thirty unevenly spaced full sigma levels were defined for both
domains, with the model top set at 100 hPa. Microphysics were
handled with the Thompson scheme [54], while the GrelleDevenyi
[19] ensemble scheme was chosen for parameterizing convection.
The MelloreYamadaeJanjic scheme [29] was used for representing
boundary-layer processes and Noah [8] was selected as a landsurface
model. Longwave radiation processes were parameterized
with the updated Rapid Radiative Transfer (RRTMG) scheme [25].