The theoretical focus, which is the base for this work, suggests clearly that we are working in favour of the tourism consolidation, from the point of view of sustainable tourism, understanding sustainability, as mentioned previously, to maintain the three dimensions that define it at present: environmental, economic and social. Obviously, within tourism sustainability, it is necessary to explain that social sustainability refers to preserving and ‘‘méttant en valeur” the historical and cultural heritage of the region. The Sustainable Tourism Model (based on the Triple Bottom Line referred in Section 1) can be seen in Fig. 1, and it works with each and every single aspect. In addition to social sustainability, there also must be environmental sustainability, as tourism requires an environment that must be attractive enough to be visited. However, the development of it usually contributes to its deterioration or destruction. The concept of tourism is largely bound up to the environment, unlike what happens in other sectors which makes it impossible to carry out tourism activities without taking that into account.