The subsample chosen for this study consists of PSID sample members who were children when the study began. Specifically, we selected non-Hispanic Black and non-Hispanic White PSID sample members born between 1951 and 1968 who were aged birth to 17 years in the first wave of interviewing in 1968. We then combined all available information on these individuals for each wave (1968–2007). By 2007, the oldest person in the sample was 56 years and the youngest was 39 years. There were 4387 individuals in this subsample, who were members of 1872 different families in 1968. This sample, which we call the mortality sample, was used to examine annual mortality between 1968 and 2007. We used data on chronic disease that were collected from 1999 through 2007. Of the 4387 children aged birth to 17 years in 1968, a total of 2171 (who were members of 1157 different families in 1968) remained in the study until 1999 and were therefore examined in analyses of disease onset, which also took into account the competing risk of mortality; we call this the disease sample