Gu’anNew Industry City, is located to 50KM duesouth of Tiananmen and in the core of the “Capital EconomyRegion”. Ten years ago Gu’an was a typical agricultural countywhere fishing gears, sausage casings, filters and plastic were thefour backbone industries supporting the county; with the fiscalincome less than 100 million RMB, Gu’an ranked lastamongst the ten counties (cities, districts) of Langfang.
On June28, 2002, combined with global intelligence, CFLD promotedGu’an’s advancement by industrial upgrading, accelerating the introduction progress of high-end industries and saw a33 times geometric growth of economic aggregate.Within 10 years, Gu’an, the once traditional agriculturalsupported county, has been built into an ecological, livable,industrial city that mainly focuses on bio-pharmaceutical and aerospace industries.