This research aims to solve the security control
and authorization issues encountered by using
account of a hybrid cloud and by the consequent
synchronization of the file contents. This paper refers
to the de facto open standards, viz. OpenID and
O'Auth, to solve the problem by account
authentication and access right authorization in a
hybrid cloud environment. The paper also
demonstrates a cross-platform solution that is capable
to manage and synchronize file contents. The
necessary software mechanisms are implemented for
the Linux-based local host as well as
MS-Windows-based computers, for a private cloud
constructed with Hadoop, and for the Google Apps as
public cloud scenario. Since OpenID and O’Auth are
in the practice used by Google, FaceBook, Twitter
and most of the other cloud service providers, users
can launch the login from whatever a local host and
have Google Apps, Facebook and Twitter deal with
access right permissions on the respective clouds.
This research aims to solve the security controland authorization issues encountered by usingaccount of a hybrid cloud and by the consequentsynchronization of the file contents. This paper refersto the de facto open standards, viz. OpenID andO'Auth, to solve the problem by accountauthentication and access right authorization in ahybrid cloud environment. The paper alsodemonstrates a cross-platform solution that is capableto manage and synchronize file contents. Thenecessary software mechanisms are implemented forthe Linux-based local host as well asMS-Windows-based computers, for a private cloudconstructed with Hadoop, and for the Google Apps aspublic cloud scenario. Since OpenID and O’Auth arein the practice used by Google, FaceBook, Twitterand most of the other cloud service providers, userscan launch the login from whatever a local host andhave Google Apps, Facebook and Twitter deal withaccess right permissions on the respective clouds.
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