Does Beer Cause Weight Gain? : The unfortunate answer to this question is that, yes, it certainly can. Although there are obviously many factors that can contribute to weight gain, for example lack of physical activity and poor diet, drinking beer can definitely play a part in the process if consumed to excess.
The well-known ‘beer belly’ is proof of what a little too much beer can do.
Studies have shown that a moderate amount of alcohol can be beneficial for our health, but unfortunately it is also concentrated source of calories and beer is no exception.
Beer contains not only the calories from alcohol, but also from carbohydrates, meaning it is high in calories and contains very little nutritional benefit.
Depending on the type, a 12oz serve of beer, which equates to one standard drink, can contain around 150 calories, although many contain more than this.
These extra calories quickly add up when you think about the amount of beers you may consume at a social event or even the couple you knock back to relax after work every night. Not only this, but drinking beer and other alcoholic drinks tend to lower your will power when it comes to the food you eat as well.
Whilst drinking you are more likely to reach for unhealthy foods and more than you would normally eat, meaning even more excess calories consumed. If not burnt off with exercise, these calories can quickly lead to weight gain.
Not only does beer contain calories, but the effect that alcohol has on yourmetabolism can also result in weight gain. When alcohol enters the body, this is used primarily as a fuel source as the body has no way of storing it.
This means that any other foods you eat will pretty much go straight to storage, which can lead to increased body fat