Multiple Aircraft Types
3 letBlue will have a challenge as it continues to integrate
j two different types of aircraft. The firm suffered a set—
? back when it incorporated the Embraer B90 ml" “5
fleet. letBlue wanted to fly the new planes 14 hours a
3 day, similar to its A-320s. However. the airplane char-
; acteristics were different from the Airbus.” Both pilOlS
' and mechanics needed additional time and training to
understand the new plane. These factors caused flight
delays and cancellations throughout the letBlue sys-
tem.’°’ letBlue had to reevaluate its plans.
Another issue associated with two types of aircraft is
that IetBlue must staff two groups of pilots and flight at-
tendants. The different aircraft require unique training
and integration procedures. letBlue will need separate
inventories, training programs, and facilities to accom—
modate two fleet types.‘06 In addition, the pay scales are
different, which requires additional support from corpo-
rate employees.
lncreased Maintenance Expenses
Maintenance expense will be a significant concern for
JetBlue in coming years. As with a new car, new air-
planes rarely need maintenance and when they do,
they are covered under warranty. In 2004, )etBlue eye
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