E. B. Taylor, an English anthropologist was the first to coin the term 'culture' in the eighteenth century. The study of society becomes incomplete without proper understanding of culture of that society because culture and society go together. Culture is a unique possession of man. Man is born and brought up in a cultural environment. Culture is the unique qualify of man which separates him from the lower animals. Culture includes all that man acquires in his social life.
Definitions of Culture:
E.B. Taylor defined culture as "that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morale, laws, custom and any other capabilities and habits as acquired by man as a member of society."
B. Malinowski defined it as "the handwork of man and the medium through which he achieves his ends.”
R. Redfield defined culture as "an organised body of conventional understandings manifest in art which persisting through tradition, characterises a human group."
V. de Robert viewed: "Culture is the body of thought and knowledge, both theoretical and practical, which only man can possess.
E. B. Taylor, an English anthropologist was the first to coin the term 'culture' in the eighteenth century. The study of society becomes incomplete without proper understanding of culture of that society because culture and society go together. Culture is a unique possession of man. Man is born and brought up in a cultural environment. Culture is the unique qualify of man which separates him from the lower animals. Culture includes all that man acquires in his social life.Definitions of Culture:E.B. Taylor defined culture as "that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morale, laws, custom and any other capabilities and habits as acquired by man as a member of society."B. Malinowski defined it as "the handwork of man and the medium through which he achieves his ends.”R. Redfield defined culture as "an organised body of conventional understandings manifest in art which persisting through tradition, characterises a human group."V. de Robert viewed: "Culture is the body of thought and knowledge, both theoretical and practical, which only man can possess.
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