Such a change in ethic is also reflective of post-material values becoming more ingrained in cultures, especially Western ones, with the development of large middle classes in the social structure of their societies. There is little evidence to suggest that a new environmental ethic is desired by the majority of tourism stakeholders, with the exception of eco-warriors and possibly some environmental based NGOs. A simple reason for this lack of desire is probably explained by a consideration of whom a new environmental ethic would benefit or more poignantly disadvantage. Given that an ethical shift has already taken place within an anthropocentric framework, a new environmental ethic would have to be positioned within a non-anthropocentric context. That is an ethic which would act as a prescriber of human conduct with nature, would have to view the rights of nature as equal to those of humans. This would mean emphasis being placed upon the survival of species and ecosystems in the ethic of eco-holism, or upon the individual rights of sentient and ontological beings, intrinsic to libertarian extension. Given that neither ethic has been employed in the wider context of human development, it is only possible to hypothesize upon the practical implementations of the adoption of either ethic into tourism policy. Certainly their embracement would move decisions upon tourism development, towards a position, where environmental concerns were paramount. Eco-holism would probably permit tourism development provided it could be proved not to harm the overall functioning of the ecosystem, while libertarian extension would in likelihood lead to the refusal and delay of much tourism development, as the rights to being of objects was legally contested. Increased litigation and more extensive environmental legislation, including the requirement for more detailed environmental impact assessments, would be the likely consequence of adopting such an ethic. Tourism development would be restricted and the likelihood of denial of access to areas of nature for tourism increased. Subsequently, there would seemingly be little direct benefit or incentive for the majority of tourism stakeholders, including government, industry and local communities.