My beloved Teang
I have read your lines where you says: Jo .... you are the man who I am waiting for long. My heart is jumping, when I read this sentence. I am very happy and proud about your Opinion of me. For me it is a big responsibility all that doing for you, that you will not to disappoint.
You wrote, that you are hurt from love. I know this is terrible. My beloved Teang, please believe me, my love feeling for you are real. In your sentence you are the man who I am waiting for long said me, that I have found the women, with which I in good and bad times wants to stay together. I know you feel like it.
You are right, we need to examine our love, when we meet us. But I can tell you, I have no doubt to my true love to you!
You will see my real Love to you, when we meet us on 2. April. I count the days until I can take you in my arms. Believe me, we belong together. I think, your Buddha has show your way to me. I'm happy about it.
Please read this lines and believe me, i'm serious and sincerely.
In great Love forever
Your Jo