After Jiang Qisha cuts kills, Earthen Taboo Deep Green Beheader pressure, dissipates, had been taken back within the body by Chu Feng, this side world, restored formerly tranquility.
Just, this moment this side is void, is actually a peace, all people silently are gazing at Chu Feng, stuffy did not speak.
Chu Feng, not only relies on strength of the, cut to kill the Immortal Execution Archipelago top player, came from the Holy Land of Martialism three talents completely to cut to kill continually, this strength, shocked everybody, this behavior, deterred the common people.
It can be said that all people on the scene, were subdued by the Chu Feng strength, not only the person of presence, is unable to forget the Chu Feng today's magnificent feat, Eastern Sea Region posterity , the association president discussed this matter, because of the Chu Feng actions, was doomed to go down in the Eastern Sea Region history, became the posterity prostrates oneself the venerated object.
However, chuckles to oneself in the Crippling Night Demon Sect people, in Immortal Execution Archipelago as well as three big monster clans, terrified, from all corners of the country, the people of enough over a billion surrounding, exclaimed in surprise when performance of Chu Feng, Chu Feng is actually the palm opens, a boundless suction explodes to well up, wreaks havoc to go.
This suction is very strong, but will actually not affect anybody on the scene, flame great halberd that but, under this suction, that Jiang Qisha held, King Armament that Zhao Yuetian and others held, their Cosmos Sack, fell into the hand of Chu Feng in abundance.
What is main, Chu Feng has not only robbed their property, a layer upon layer invisible strength, is flooding into Chu Feng within the body, that is Source, Chu Feng, although cuts relationship of form and spirit Ju Mie who them kills, but actually retained their Source, now is swallowing, provides for queen Sir in within the body.
„Sir Chu Feng forgives.”
„Sir Chu Feng forgives.”
But at this moment, a master in Immortal Execution Archipelago, is „plop” one knees down, kowtows to beg for mercy to Chu Feng. Follows, many masters of three big monster clans, kneels begs for mercy.
But regarding such one, the person of presence is not exceptional, including Jiang Qisha and Murong Mingtian that and others thing, was cut to kill by Chu Feng, how can they contend with Chu Feng? Begs for mercy, is they at present the best choice.
„Buzz” sees that the Chu Feng thought moves, a boundless pressure then sends out, has covered Immortal Execution Archipelago, as well as three big monster clans the armies of surely.
„Ping ping”, but that pressure covers, the intermittent dull thumping sound, starts in the huge crowd to transmit, but every time resounds together the sound, the person explodes, changes to together the bloody water.
Chu Feng, will be only shortly, Chu Feng then relies on strength of the, cut to kill the Immortal Execution Archipelago several thousand people.
„Sir Chu Feng forgives, asking you to give us an opportunity.”
„Sir Chu Feng, I have both one's parents to take care, they also at home medium I, without me, they will have no way to live, you have forgiven me.”
„Sir Chu Feng forgives ~~~~~~~”
Sees this, person of Immortal Execution Archipelago as well as the three big monster clans, has been immediately scared, formerly these had not knelt the person who begs for mercy, knees down completely, starts to kowtow to beg for mercy to Chu Feng.
„”, but, regarding their whinning with hardship, Chu Feng is actually a chuckle, afterward said: „Both armies battle, various is his host, your this not wrong.”
„But the winner is a king, the defeated is an invader, is lenient to the enemy, is to oneself cruel, today what if defeats is I, I think that nobody will sympathize in me, therefore I, no matter you have want to go on living, I will not leave behind your lives.”
„Is strange, blamed you with mistakenly the lord, was strange, blamed you should not with me for the enemy.”
The words come here, in the Chu Feng eye, suddenly flashes before wipes the ice-cold chill in the air, afterward said loud:
„The Crippling Night Demon Sect people obey orders, person of Immortal Execution Archipelago as well as the three big monster clans, cuts to kill all, a person does not remain.”
„Kills ~~~~~~~~~”
But this words fall, Crippling Night Demon Sect money ten thousand armies, the demon beast that also once again changes to the bloodthirsty, boundless working off anger sending out, uses the respective method, plunders into the lineup of Immortal Execution Archipelago as well as in three big monster clans once again, starts to slaughter.
At this moment, the person of Immortal Execution Archipelago as well as three big monster clans, wants to counter-attack at risk of life, even if dies must carry off several pad backs, but how, has Chu Feng, they simply do not have this opportunity.