I have lots of good experience of my life .Earlier we are two sisters. But my elder sister always say that if we will have one brother we will be more happy.But I do not feel this thing.When I was 9 year old and my sister was 7 year old my brother came.It was the happiest moment of my life.Because we are very young so we tell to our milkman and every person who came to our house .When he came to our house we always stand in front of him start seeing him.I was in 5th standered and my sister was in 3rd standered and our school examination was going on but have a craz to see our brother ,his activites .We always see that is there any need of any thing to our brother or not .I always make milk for him. We both are feeling jealous if anyone say that he very happy in younger sister or elder sister.We always think that our brother will always be happy.
In second time I was happy when when got selection in Batchler of technology .After intermediate I had gone to kanpur (U.P) for IIT coaching with our friends after one and half month I came to know that I have got selection in B.Tech.I was very happy.And I went to Jaunpur and got Electronics and communication engineering branch .I became more happy when I got this branch because I already want this branch.