Hi Sunsern,
We have met 2 mths ago and Tongyu helped us to send over the sample antennas in a hurry to make sure we can complete the field tests and get the antennas approved. Last week Cholapan was trying to track down the status of type approval to learn the TTT is still awaiting some confirmation to be able to proceed with the testing. I don't see the value add of TTT in the process so far so I ask you support to address this as a matter of priority.
As I told you on our face to face meeting TTT have come very late into the process and we were expecting your outmost support to rapidly push through the type approvals so we can sell the antennas.
We waited 2 mths for your support and both our time is up so I kindly ask you to share with us your detailed project plan with committed dates on what will happened and when to be able to close the type approvals.
I need this by Thu (31-Jul) 12.00am as we are losing AIS’s trust on this which will not only block us from selling antennas but also damage our relationship on other business which we cannot afford.
Please let me know you for some reason you are not able to complete the type approval as in that case we will be looking at other alternative.
Thanks, Peter