New in 0.92.7
Reverted back to the old server, sadly the new one didn't go nearly as well as i'd hoped. Sorry bout the lag, folks!
Fixed the medallian sounds.
New in 0.92.6
Be prepared, and try not to fall to far! It's not done yet, but soon, you will be able to break bones! It'll hurt!
no more in front and a ways off to the left, 12.3244237298471246845 tiles away!
Added many, many many draw and get sounds!
Now, the game plays a little water splash when you atempt to clap underwater.
Now it doesn't say you can't open your bag underwater while falling.
Adds the minibomb natural disaster!
No more using a sleeping pill/hammock and cheating!
There is now a sound for sitting in the deep ocean.
There is now a completely new server! Players in the US will get slightly more lag as it is in the UK, but this has gigabit net unlike the current one with 100 megabits, and this new vps company is way way better!
Fixed things with sounds, particulary skillet with meat.
New in 0.92.5
You can now press alt+left or right arrow to turn in 1 degree increments. This has been wanted for a while, no more admins needing to fix your facing! Also no more 361 degree compasses, my entire rotation pack was updated!
Now when pressing N, it also tells you how many tiles away something is!
No more suspending your self in the air via chat boxes!
fixed sharks!
Enjoy making and throwing snowballs at each other!
Now all weapons don't pass threw walls and trees!
now, things sound right underwater!
No more going underwater at the edges and moving under the map!
No more picking up walls, or metal2/3!
Hopefully fixed stw's really annoying sound bugs!
AFTER SOME SERVER WORK! Now, if needed maps can take health, thirst etc. So the desert is now back to it's old self...
Removed some of the crappy gifts like marsh!
Updated the readme a little!
Did some ultralag aponeage!
For map devs, added a bunch of natural wall types, ambiences etc etc!
Added a tavern, a music store and more!
Speed hack hopefully improved!
Now, some maps with sources are no longer all robotic sounding in places!
AFTER SOME SERVER WORK! Made it so admins can make quests on there own, so the quests will never run out so long as we have working admins!
Did stuff to fires! First, say you dropped 5 water bottles really quick, when the fire burned them, it would only take away 200 health instead of the 1000 it was supposed to take. Fixed! But something really cool, if you drop ice on the fire and pick it up not to soon and not to fast, you are rewarded with a lot of water! The more ice you can drop and pick up really fast the more water you get! If you pick the ice up to soon, it may not have melted, but if you do it to late it will have vaporised and harmed the fire! This also works with snow!
Now, for some maps, you must have no nubie flag to enter.
Finily changed the drawing medal sound to something a lot less horifying, and fixed the real shitty snow fall sound.
Sorry, no more note_bear_by_randomguy, it'll still play the note sound. Also fixed a couple of other things like the bear_tooth_neckless, note_deluxe cassettes etc etc.
There is now a very buggy translator in the game! Go to a language channel, set your target language in options to the language you speak, and talk as if there was no language barior at all! Note! Not all languages work, and you hardly need to report bugs with the translator. I know it makes the game lag when used and it slows things down, but there have been many friends made on stw and I hope to increase that. So for now, please excuse the bad translator, I KNOWWWW it is very buggy.
New in 0.92.0
Added an official rules and polocies document!
Yes, finily, it's here, you can now reorder your inventory with alt + Up or down arrow!
Did something to sounds that's needed to happen for well, quite some time now. Sounds now update when players walk. This has needed to happen for so long now. If you used voice chat and walked around, the position of your voice wouldn't change. Well, now it does!
Fixed a bug with voice chat that allowed anyone to play any sound they wanted to reguardless of the length.
Added cassette players! Cassettes can ocasionally be found at the gass station or the general store. However, plan to add a music store to the fishing village. Note, when you use a cassette, the game may lock up for a couple of seconds while the file is downloading. Cassettes are stored serverside so I can add more with out needing to update the client.
You are now able to write on paper with a pen! First interact your pen with a piece of paper. A new note will be created, and it will ask you for a subject. Enter something like, directions to gassstation or whatever. Once you have completed your note subject, the new item in your inventory will be something like SamTupy_note_directions_to_gass_station, replace SamTupy with your characters name. Then, get out your pen, and combine with that note. It