In India media is always misused by political parties for the purpose
of misrepresentation many politicians particularly in south India
Where they have started private channel either on their name or on their
relatives. Jaya TV, Surya TV etc. are good examples. Advertisements
of India Shining, spiritualistic image making of political leaders are
very common practice over Indian media. There are at least three
major media traditions in modern India – that of a diverse, pluralistic
and relatively independent press; of the manipulated-misused, statecontrolled
radio and television; and that of many autonomous, small
media outfits of various subaltern groups and their organizations.
These traditions are so diverse, their histories, functions and roles in
society and politics so divergent, and the rules of the game pertaining
to them so radically different that any attempt to speak in a generalized
way of the ‘media’ in India today and locating it in ‘democracy’ appears