Melanippe Callis
Reading again the voiceofsilas the article : WHEN MUSHROOMS ATTACK: SILAS U AT THE BRINK
“Once those spores get into your brain,” VP Social Melanippe Callis announced for the Summer Society, “You’re probably better off as shishkebab.” Behind Ms. Callis, now infamous sister Danny Lawrence was shrieking as she dismembered a podocarp, and could not be reached for comment. “
Melanippe :Latin name, mythical nymph
Referred to several different people in Greek mythology
-Daughter of the Centaur Chiron. She escaped to Mount Pelion so that her father would not find out that she was pregnant, but, being searched for, she prayed to Artemis asking for assistance, and the goddess transformed her into a mare.
-An Amazon, sister of Hippolyte and Antiope, daughter of Ares.
- Daughter of Althaea and Oeneus, one of the Meleagrids. She was turned into a guinea fowl by Artemis after the death of her brother
Callis : Callis Name Meaning English and Irish (of Norman or Huguenot origin): habitational name from the French port of Calais.Greek: variant of Kallis. Kallis Name Meaning Greek: from a shortened form of the personal name Kallistos
-In Greek mythology, Callisto or Kallisto was a nymph of Lycaon. Transformed into a bear and set among the stars, she was the bear-mother of the Arcadians