1) Install Wineskin Winery for Mac. Here' the link: http://adf.ly/1Ydv5J
--Install µTorrent Stable(1.8.7 build 41921) using this link: http://adf.ly/1YdyBT
--Now Install WinRAR 5.30 for Mac OS X using this link: http://adf.ly/1UqldL
--Now Install The Sims 4 from here: http://adf.ly/1Vsm1X (If its no opening in Utorrent automatically then that means you have not completed the installation for Utorrent and WinRAR).
--When your Utorrent download for Sims 4 says "seeding" then right click on it and click "Stop" after that it should say Completed.
--Go to your desktop and create a folder named "The Sims 4"
--Now while still in Utorrent right click on "Completed" (for The Sims 4) and then click "Open Containing Folder"
--Open The Sims 4. There should be a WinRAR icon next to it. Highlight everything in the WinRAR folder that just opened; here are the list of the folders you should have highlighted:
#Language Changer
#Installation Guide
--Now click "Extract To" click on "Desktop", press the little + sign and then click on the name of the folder you just created which should be "The Sims 4" then click "Ok" and it'll automatically extract. Once it's done. Continue to step 2.