An article on American Nextgov's website refers to the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI) as an example of good forensic governance because of the NFI's investment in modern technology.
As an example, the article refers to the forensic DNA research and development that resulted in the recent arrest of a suspect of the rape of 16-year-old Marianne Vaatstra who was murdered in 1999. The article also mentions the innovative forensic software tool 'Bonaparte' that helped identifying the victims of the Afriqiyah Airways crash in Tripoli in just 3 weeks.
The article discusses the National Academy of Sciences' advice to the federal government back in 2009, that recommended the federal government establish an independent forensic agency similar to the Netherlands Forensic Institute.
Chief executive officer of the NFI, Mr Tjark Tjin-A-Tsoi, stresses that innovation is one of the NFI's priorities: "Research and development in order to create innovative proprietary products and services is one of the main activities of the NFI."