This research evaluates and estimates biogas (methane) production potential from cattle manure through anaerobic
digestion processes in some dairy cattle farms of Iran. The gas can be used to produce electricity, to heat water for farm use, or
for other business ventures that use energy. By measuring the manure production in each dairy farm and the electricity use, the
biogas production and consequently the electricity generating potential was assessed. Few previous researches and projects
have been carried out on this subject. As the result of this study, there is the potential of 15190.3 m3
biogas production
which is equal to 7595.15 m3
day-1 methane (CH4) gas in the region for 47 dairy farms with 11862 head of cattle. This amount
of biogas has the potential to generate electricity as 77428.3 kWh day-1
, which is more than the total electricity requirements of
the target dairy farms. The CO2 gas emission was also estimated due to the Methane value (0.04 tons/year). Based on the
results and the environmental benefits of utilizing biogas, educating farmers through extension programs, making new policies
for extending the idea of extracting biogas from cattle manure to provide the energy requirements within the country are