Form Letters
Form letters can perform two important functions in the promotion campaign: 1) 95 Covering letters mailed with folders, directing the reader's special attention to overlain activities, form letters focus the appeal of the folders on the known interests of particular groups of people; 2) as separate mailing pieces, form letters can make an inexpensive but personalized appeal to special groups of people.
Good form letters are usually short and concise. They should be written in a conversational tone and should refer directly to the particular interests or backgrounds of the group to which they are directed. It is probably better to state frankly in the heading the nature of the group for whom the letter is intended. Form letters should be individually signed, if possible.
How form letters can be fitted into the general promotion campaign is illustrated in the direct-mail schedule reproduced in Exhibit I-8. Note that form letter No. 1 was sent to the institutional list, letter No. 2 to the personnel managers, etc., as covering letters for printed materials. Exhibit I-9 shows that separate form letters were sent to former painting students, former music students, and so forth.