Four imaging protocols were selected for evaluation of compatibility of the system: 1) diagnostic imaging T1-weighted fast gradient echo (T1 FGE/FFE), 2) diagnostic imaging T2-weighted fast spin echo (T2 FSE/TSE), 3) high-speed real-time imaging fast gradient echo (FGRE), and 4) functional imaging spin echo-planar imaging (SE EPI). All sequences were acquired with a slice thickness of 5mm and a number of excitations (NEX) of one. Three configurations were evaluated and used in the comparison: 1) baseline of the phantom only, 2) motor unpowered with controllers DC power supply turned on, 3) motor on and robot is in motion. Eight slices were acquired per imaging protocol for each configuration. Images obtained during motor operation in the scanner are subtracted from the baseline images, as shown in Fig. 7. For statistical analysis, SNR is utilized as the metric for evaluating MRI compatibility with baseline phantom image comparison [23]. Statistical analysis with a Tukey Multiple Comparison confirms that no pair shows significant signal degradation with a 95% confidence interval