The overfit support the measurement model. The x2 statistic is 344.21 with 234 degrees of freedom (p<0.01),something which suggest discrepancies between the data and the proposed overall model. However, this may be attributed to sample size and the highly restrictive assumption of perfect model fit in the population. The x2 to degree of freedom statistic is 1.47. A number of goodness-of-fit indices were used to assess practical significance. The LISREL 8.52 output showed an adequate model fit as follows : (1) GFI was 0.91, AGFI was 0.90, CFI was 0.99, NFI was 0.97, NNFI was 0.99 and PNEI was 0.82; (2) RMSEA was 0.036 indicating a close model fit. The model Akaike information Criterion (AIC) was also less than for the saturated model indicative of achieving model fit without “over-fitting” with too many co-efficient.
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