work on immediate changes in each l ocal situation.
Usually, an action checklist presenting typical low-cost
options is used in combination with a manual describing
how-to i nformati on of these opti ons. As the acti on
checklist presents the options in the action form, such
as “use push-carts and mobile racks”, its use through
workpl ace wal kthroughs can hel p the users i denti fy
practi cal i mprovements. The combi ned use of such
group work tools can effectively support the planning
and implementation of priority improvements by local
people. This participatory process is usually encouraged
by trainers well trained in the use of these tools.
T h e s u p p o r t f u n c t i o n s o f e a c h t o o l k i t ma y b e
summarized as (a) building local initiative for action, (b)
focusing on practicable options and (c) promoting serial
group work steps for immediate changes. It is noted that