Research into the adaptation of wireless technologies has
been ongoing for more than a decade into a variety of
topics such as quality of service provisions, media access
protocols, security, energy efficiency, scalability, network planning
methodologies, error control, mobility, scalability, routing
algorithms and the integration of wireless into existing wired
systems [34]. Commercial industrial wireless systems are only
just beginning to appear and the field can still be considered
to be in its infancy. An example of a commercial system is
the wireless interface for sensors and actuators developed by
Research into the adaptation of wireless technologies hasbeen ongoing for more than a decade into a variety oftopics such as quality of service provisions, media accessprotocols, security, energy efficiency, scalability, network planningmethodologies, error control, mobility, scalability, routingalgorithms and the integration of wireless into existing wiredsystems [34]. Commercial industrial wireless systems are onlyjust beginning to appear and the field can still be consideredto be in its infancy. An example of a commercial system isthe wireless interface for sensors and actuators developed byABB.
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