By making the information resources available online,
access to the information has extended beyond physical
boundaries and is now available to
distant library users throughout Laos and abroad.
• The Central Library of the National University of Laos is a
network of 20 libraries including the National Library,
institutional libraries and a public library.
• Its mission is to provide information to students, academic
staff and the wider community, enabling the University to
achieve its mission in teaching, learning, researching and
community service through the use of available
technology equipment.
By making the information resources available online,access to the information has extended beyond physicalboundaries and is now available to distant library users throughout Laos and abroad.• The Central Library of the National University of Laos is anetwork of 20 libraries including the National Library,institutional libraries and a public library.• Its mission is to provide information to students, academicstaff and the wider community, enabling the University toachieve its mission in teaching, learning, researching andcommunity service through the use of availabletechnology equipment.
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