2. Materials and methods
2.1. Experimental site
The study was conducted at the experimental field of Faculty
of Agriculture of Selcuk University located in Konya, Turkey, during
the months of May–September for 2 years (2013 and 2014). The
experimental field is located at 38◦02Nlatitude, 32◦30E longitude,
and 1105-m altitude. According to the long-term meteorological
data, the climate in this region is semiarid with the total annual
precipitation of 312mm. The climatological data during the experimental
season are listed in Table 1. The total rainfall from May to
September in 2013 was 59.6mm, which corresponds to 27% of the
annual rainfall, and in 2014, it was 157.8mm, which corresponds
to 43% of the annual rainfall.
The soils in the area have a clay texture and are alluvial. Volumetric
soil water contents at field capacity and wilting point
are 0.29cm3 cm−3 and 0.16cm3 cm−3, respectively. Mean bulk
density varies from 1.38 to 1.42 g cm−3 in the soil profile. The available
water holding capacity within the top 90cm of soil depth is
126.3mm. Some soil properties of the experimental site are listed
in Table 2.