The grafting ratio of the CG-g-PVA is shown in Fig. 3(I). The grafting
ratio decreased with an increase of the CG content in the graft
copolymer due to its chain scission With an increase in the concentration of CG, the % percentage of
the graft copolymer decreased continuously, and reached a minimum
value when the concentration was 6:4 CG:PVA. This was due
to the chain scissions (Riyajan & Sukhlaaied, 2013). The highest
percentage of grafting was found at a ratio of 1:9. When the CG
content increased, the percentage of the graft copolymer decreased
due to a reduction in the active sites and the increase in the CG
concentration may be due to the amount of CG that was more helpful
to copolymerization than to the grafting in the concentrations