Clearly, a classroom in which there is little interaction is unlikely to function as an environment for the emergence of collective understanding. So how might we characterize the classroom in which collective mathematical understanding is likely to emerge and develop? As noted by Davis and Simmt (2003), “notions of teacher-centeredness or student-centeredness are not very useful for making sense of collectives” (p.153), and most classrooms do not exist at either of these two extremes. Even in classrooms in which the teacher usually orchestrates the learning, there will inevitably emerge what Davis and Simmt (2003) term the “teachable moment – a cohering of many bodies in an instance of shared purpose and insight” (p. 164). These moments are always unpredictably emergent, and successfully taking advantage of them requires a teacher who is adept at enacting improvisational interventions. In these moments, there is the potential for collective mathematical understanding to emerge.