But there is much more packaging must do. It should help reinforce
the brand ’ s image and key benefit. For many products the package is
always there when the product is being used, providing an on-going
reminder of the brand and an opportunity to reinforce its primary benefit.
Products ranging from cold remedies to breakfast cereal to toothpaste
to washing-up powder are used from the package . In a sense, pack -
aging operates as post-purchase advertising. Rossiter and Bellman (2005)
capture this idea in their definition of packaging, suggesting it may be
thought of as ‘ take-away or leave-behind ’ communication vehicles. The
advert shown in Figure 6.2 for Wyke Farms cheddar offers a very good
example of how a product ’ s package can be used to reinforce the brand ’ s
benefit. The advert underscores the brand ’ s key benefit: it ’ s Just Delicious .
The package clearly reinforces this benefit. Every time the package is
seen or handled, from the store to the refrigerator to serving, the consumer
is reminded that Wyke Farms cheddar is ‘ just delicious ’ .