Although PCK has been one of the most debated conceptions for teacher knowledge,thedebatehassofarbeenofverylittleimpactonteachereducationandteachers’ work(Kind,2009),anditspotentialhasnotbeenfullyrealized(Schneider&Plasman, 2011). Further, questions about the nature of PCK for teachers at different phases of theircareerstillremain(Abell,2007).Therefore,moredirectevidenceontheextentto which teachers’ interaction with peers and researchers enhances changes in classroom practiceisstronglyneeded.Thisarticlerespondstosuchacallandbuildsontwopropositions.Oneisthatthewayteachershandleandorganizethecontenttobelearnedisa significant feature of teachers’ PCK. Organizing for learning could imply many things such as organizing and arranging the classroom, providing examples and explanations to the students in a conscious way and reflecting carefully on the interactions and the activities in the classroom. However, by organizing for learning with specific content we meanthe waythecontentis sequenced,whatconnections aremade, whatrelationships are pointed out, what examples are given and how and so forth. Our other proposition is that that teachers can develop this particular knowledge by a process of collaborativeinquiryintoteachingandlearningintheirownclassroomswithaparticular focus on the specific content and how this is perceived by the learners. Both these propositions are dealt with in the article.
Although PCK has been one of the most debated conceptions for teacher knowledge,thedebatehassofarbeenofverylittleimpactonteachereducationandteachers’ work(Kind,2009),anditspotentialhasnotbeenfullyrealized(Schneider&Plasman, 2011). Further, questions about the nature of PCK for teachers at different phases of theircareerstillremain(Abell,2007).Therefore,moredirectevidenceontheextentto which teachers’ interaction with peers and researchers enhances changes in classroom practiceisstronglyneeded.Thisarticlerespondstosuchacallandbuildsontwopropositions.Oneisthatthewayteachershandleandorganizethecontenttobelearnedisa significant feature of teachers’ PCK. Organizing for learning could imply many things such as organizing and arranging the classroom, providing examples and explanations to the students in a conscious way and reflecting carefully on the interactions and the activities in the classroom. However, by organizing for learning with specific content we meanthe waythecontentis sequenced,whatconnections aremade, whatrelationships are pointed out, what examples are given and how and so forth. Our other proposition is that that teachers can develop this particular knowledge by a process of collaborativeinquiryintoteachingandlearningintheirownclassroomswithaparticular focus on the specific content and how this is perceived by the learners. Both these propositions are dealt with in the article.
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