Normal and active Z 4 (movements and foraging in the
cage, bedding substrate manipulation and nesting
behavior, responding to food pad stimulus made by forceps,
and normal feeding behavior);
Lethargic Z 3 (movements and foraging in the cage,
responding to food pad stimulus made by forceps, and
normal feeding behavior);
Weak Z 2 (responding to food pad stimulus made by
forceps and irregular feeding behavior); and
Alive Z 1 (responding to food pad stimulus made by
2.4.1. Wound model
Rats were anesthetized with an intraperitoneal injection of
rodent combination anesthesia (ketamine, 70 mg/kg;
xylazine, 15 mg/kg; and PBS, 0.7 mL/kg).
The dorsal region of the animals was shaved and sterilized
using 70% alcohol. After shaving, a linear 20-mm longitudinal
full-thickness wound (incisional wound) with a
depth of 0.5 mm was made over the skin of the back
(dorsolateral region of the back near, 4 cm from, the
vertebral column; Fig. 2).