Center Parcs ongoing jobs and income. Center Parcs injects over £7 million each year in wages and salaries into the local economy.
Center Parcs’ policy is to purchase locally wherever possible. This benefits local suppliers such as builders, laundry companies, caterers, florists. Businesses within the local economy of this Center Parcs site generate an additional 140 jobs as a direct result of the presence of the Center Parcs village.
Many Center Parcs’ visitors either visit local businesses on their way to or from the Center Parcs village, or visit other attractions outside the village. Other tourist activities around the Sherwood Forest site have benefited as a result of Center Parcs being there.
The Center Parcs project in Sherwood Forest is close to Mansfield and Ollerton. This used to be a coal mining area. The closure of the mines led to severe structural unemployment. The arrival of Center Parcs had several beneficial effects: