2.7. Microscopic observations
The viability of the cells was evaluated with fluorescein diacetate
(FDA, SigmaeAldrich, USA). The strawberries were cut
longitudinally in 2 mm thick slices using sharp razor blades. From
every longitudinal slice, a rectangular piece with the following dimensions:
a ¼ 15 mm, b ¼ 5mmand c ¼ 2mmwas transversely cut
(Fig. 2) and incubated for 5 min in a 0.5 mol/L sucrose solution
106 mol/L FDA in the darkness at room temperature. Stained
sections were examined under fluorescent light in a Nikon upright
microscope (Eclipse Ti-U, Nikon Co, Japan) equipped with a Nikon digital camera (digital sight DS-Qi1Mc, Nikon Co, Japan) at a
magnification of 4. A graduated metre was placed along the
microscopic plate and slid slowly, mm by mm, to evaluate the
viability of the cells along the whole length (15 mm) of the rectangular
piece. Undamaged, viable cells could be easily identified by
a bright fluorescence
2.7. Microscopic observations
The viability of the cells was evaluated with fluorescein diacetate
(FDA, SigmaeAldrich, USA). The strawberries were cut
longitudinally in 2 mm thick slices using sharp razor blades. From
every longitudinal slice, a rectangular piece with the following dimensions:
a ¼ 15 mm, b ¼ 5mmand c ¼ 2mmwas transversely cut
(Fig. 2) and incubated for 5 min in a 0.5 mol/L sucrose solution
106 mol/L FDA in the darkness at room temperature. Stained
sections were examined under fluorescent light in a Nikon upright
microscope (Eclipse Ti-U, Nikon Co, Japan) equipped with a Nikon digital camera (digital sight DS-Qi1Mc, Nikon Co, Japan) at a
magnification of 4. A graduated metre was placed along the
microscopic plate and slid slowly, mm by mm, to evaluate the
viability of the cells along the whole length (15 mm) of the rectangular
piece. Undamaged, viable cells could be easily identified by
a bright fluorescence
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